Are you eating more due to stress? You’re not alone. Many people react to stress by overeating or being inactive. Stress eating may provide comfort initially, but it starts a vicious cycle which may increase stress and your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. You can stop the vicious cycle by proactively…Read More >
Hace unos años, enfermedades como la diabetes tipo 2 eran muy extrañas dentro de la sociedad. No había tantos casos porque existía una falta de información, pero también debido a que los motivos que la causan estaban menos presentes. Sin embargo, hoy día existen muchos casos de diabetes dentro de la población. Esto se ha…Read More >
The news arrived as my fiancé, Peter, and I were prepping a dinner of creamy pesto linguine and crunchy ciabatta bread, with pistachio gelato for dessert. My blood sugar was higher than normal, my nurse practitioner told me. She was nice about it, but warned me that I should make dietary changes—cut down on sweets and foods…Read More >
EEUU — Entre los alimentos ricos en calorías y el estrés de la temporada, es fácil comer en exceso durante las fiestas. En este minuto de Mayo Clinic, el Dr. Donald Hensrud, director del Programa de Vida Saludable de Mayo Clinic, analiza algunas formas sencillas de adoptar un enfoque más saludable para las fiestas. Las…Read More >
If you’ve found 2020 tough, you’re not alone. Mental health charity, Mind, reports that more than half of adults and over two thirds of young people have said their mental health has suffered this year. “We’re currently going through a global pandemic so it’s really important that you’re kind to yourself and that you also…Read More >
It’s been eight months since COVID-19 hit, and a side effect for many has been weight gain — the result of returning to comfort foods, a lot more snacking, a lot less exercise, stress, depression, and anxiety. Now the holidays have added a whole new dimension to gaining weight. But our health expert, Karen Owoc,…Read More >
El yoga se ha constituido como una importante función para aquellas personas que necesitan aislarse y relajarse en estos tiempos tan complicados que nos está tocando vivir. Si en tu caso nunca has practicado el yoga, estas en el artículo perfecto, pues Xuan Lan, una de las profesoras más prestigiosas del mundo, se pone a tu disposición en…Read More >
As stay-at-home orders take place during the winter months, finding ways to avoid cabin fever can be difficult. Making a list of things to do can give you a sense of control during this time. Keeping your mind and body busy can help you make it through lockdown. COVID-19 cases are on the rise as…Read More >
Más de 463 millones de adultos sufren de diabetes en el mundo y según lo indica la Federación Internacional de la Diabetes, las proyecciones indican que para el año 2045 alrededor de 700 millones de personas podrían padecer esta enfermedad. La diabetes se ha convertido en una de las condiciones que más cobra vidas cada año…Read More >
Winter is coming. And if you’re tempted to blow off a workout in anticipation of snow, ice, cold, or rain, you’re not alone. Research from the Journal of Sport and Health Science suggests that many people use winter weather as an excuse to forego exercise. Outdoor exercise, including running outside in the winter, can be good for…Read More >