Quick Links
Click to view the following online resources for your organization and help spread the word.
MyPlate.gov > Tips for healthy eating
Myplate.gov is a great place to get information on the essential food groups you should be including in your meals. It’s run by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and they even offer an app and quiz to help keep you on track with your personalized eating goals.
Click here to view.
MyPlate.gov Recipies > Healthy recipe suggestions
Myplate.gov also has recipes for nearly every category you can think of so you can try some new meals while still maintaining health goals.
Click here to view.
CDC Pre-diabetes Prevention > Ways to stay physically active
One of the important ways to reverse pre-diabetes is to keep moving and engage in physical activity, which is why the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) promotes physical activity. Learn more about the basics, importance and data surrounding exercise from this CDC link.
Click here to view.
American Diabetes Association > Lean more about pre-diabetes
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is one of the most reliable sources for information on preventing type 2 diabetes.
Click here to view.
Diabetes Prevention Videos and Podcasts
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has an extensive resource for those who want to get info on diabetes prevention via podcasts or videos
Click here to view.