Summertime brings with it fresh ingredients with bright flavors that make following a diabetes-friendly eating pattern simple and delicious. These easy lunch recipes with nutritious seasonal vegetables like cucumber, spinach and zucchini help you make the most of summer. Plus, each recipe is made with complex carbs, less saturated fats and sodium-conscious…Read More >
These puff pastry recipes are the perfect summer sides, snacks or treats. From savory tarts highlighting veggies like spinach, bell peppers and tomatoes to sweet rolls featuring summertime berries, these dishes are bright and flavorful ways to enjoy those flaky, crunchy layers. Recipes like our Spinach Puffs and our Baked Brie with…Read More >
En las comidas de verano no pueden faltar alimentos de temporada que aportan frescor y se digieran con facilidad. Si buscas ideas, estas saludables recetas te encantarán. Con el mejor tiempo, lo que más apetece es aprovechar para quedarse en la calle, playa o naturaleza el máximo tiempo posible. Para mantener una…Read More >
Para estar mejor preparadas en el día a día, es aconsejable tener una buena capacidad cardio y entrenar los músculos. Cada día necesitamos grandes dotes de resistencia física casi para todo. Un ejemplo es andar bajo el calor del verano, que puede resultar una tarea ardua sin una buena capacidad cardiovascular, o…Read More >
Si eres amante de los platos dulces, especialmente para terminar las comidas, te mostramos seis claves para lograr postres sanos e igualmente tentadores y sabrosos, que te ayudarán a mejorar la calidad de tu dieta. Los postres no tienen por qué ser siempre calóricos y poco sanos, sino que podemos lograr con…Read More >
Los niveles de glucosa se elevan si el cuerpo no produce suficiente insulina o no la utiliza bien. La glucosa es una sustancia normal en la sangre, pero si sus niveles se elevan puede ser un signo de diabetes u otros trastornos metabólicos, precisa el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer de Estados Unidos. Este…Read More >
Morning exercise gets a lot of praise and attention. “It’s the best way to start your day!” They say. “You’ll feel great!” But if you struggle to set up a morning exercise routine and instead like to do your exercise in the afternoon—great news! A new study shows that your exercise routine…Read More >
As fun as farmers markets are, it’s easy to get carried away while loading your tote with fresh veggies. Suddenly, you have heaps of must-use-soon ingredients and a hit of anxiety as you get home. The same goes for monthly subscription boxes where what’s ripe and in-season has to be used quickly….Read More >
Prediabetes is a warning sign that an individual is at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If it goes unmanaged, prediabetes can lead to long-term damage, including to the heart and blood vessels. But is there any way it can be reversed? And can this be achieved by changes in…Read More >
Salads at 4th of July cookouts and summer picnics tend to fall into a few worn-out categories. Mayo-laden potato salad. Greasy pasta salad. Maybe a tomato salad if you’re lucky. Salads and side dishes get short shrift next to the blazing grill and charcoal taste of those cheeseburgers, or the splendor of the…Read More >