Q:After my last physical, my doctor said my lab tests show I’ve got prediabetes. What does that mean? Do I or don’t I have diabetes? A: A diagnosis of prediabetes means that your blood sugar levels are elevated beyond the normal range, but are not yet high enough to be considered Type 2 diabetes. And…Read More >
Looking for some delicious Labor Day meals, but still want to stay on track with your health goals? Check out these amazing recipes on EatingWell. Healthy Labor Day RecipesRead More >
Carbs can be complicated: They’re necessary for cell function at every level of your body, but too much of them can make you feel tired and bloated. So what is a low-carb snack exactly? According to Amy Shapiro, RD, founder of Real Nutrition, a snack might be considered low-carb if it contains under eight grams of…Read More >
La alimentación juega un papel clave en el control del azúcar. Descubre los 10 mejores alimentos con grandes propiedades antidiabéticas, son saludables y muy nutritivos La diabetes es una de las enfermedades crónicas y degenerativas más recurrentes en la sociedad actual. Según datos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) la prevalencia de la diabetes ha aumentado con mayor…Read More >
Type 2 diabetes is a preventable, chronic condition that, if not managed, can cause complications — some of which can be life-threatening. Complications can include heart disease and stroke, blindness, kidney disease, amputations, and high-risk pregnancy among other conditions. But diabetes can hit Black women particularly hard. Black women experience a higher rate of diabetes due to issues such as…Read More >
What is prediabetes? A prediabetes diagnosis can be alarming. This condition is marked by abnormally high blood sugar (glucose) most often due to insulin resistance. This is a condition in which the body doesn’t use insulin properly. It’s often a precursor to type 2 diabetes. According to the Mayo Clinic, people with prediabetes are at an increased risk of developing type 2…Read More >
Si le has cogido el gusto a hacer tu entrenamiento en casa, no hay problema. Te contamos cuáles son los 7 ejercicios que puedes hacer desde tu hogar sin equipamiento y sin mucho espacio. El confinamiento nos ha cambiado. Aguantamos menos horas por la noche, nos da coraje quitarnos el chándal y nos hemos acostumbrado a hacer el entrenamiento en…Read More >
My name is TC Campbell (@healthyhabitswithtc), and I am 31 years old. I am currently based in Florida, and I am a healthy habits coach, helping women establish a foundation of successful, sustainable, and satisfying habits to achieve weight loss through lifestyle changes. After becoming prediabetic, I started eating a high-protein, veggie-filled diet and upped…Read More >
¿Qué efectos tiene el azúcar en nuestro organismo y en nuestra salud? En la actualidad, si tomas un refresco azucarado (y mucho peor, si lo tomas en una botella de plástico no-retornable), ignoras la cantidad de azúcar que estás ingiriendo porque en ningún lugar de la etiqueta de la botella lo informa el embotellador. Utilizando…Read More >
Prediabetes is a condition where the blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be called diabetes. This can happen due to impaired fasting glucose, or impaired glucose tolerance. New Delhi: Diabetes is one of the most common, chronic conditions that affect millions of people around the world. Diabetes is mostly of…Read More >