La diabetes continúa siendo una de las enfermedades que más cobra vidas en el mundo. Se estima que alrededor de 460 millones de personas han sido diagnosticadas con esta enfermedad según la Federación Internacional de Diabetes. Aunque los expertos aún no han establecido las causas exactas por las cuales una persona desarrolla diabetes, si existen factores que aumentan el…Read More >
Living the high life and enjoying a high credit score are great things to have but high blood sugar? That is a definite NO! Between the constant bad news and COVID-19, it is easy to feel powerless and afraid. Right now, things are challenging and scary for those living with diabetes. Diabetes is one of…Read More >
El ejercicio físico es necesario para mantenerse en forma y también para fortalecer el sistema inmune, de ahí que cuanto más preparado esté tu cuerpo físicamente menos probabilidades tendrás de contraer alguna enfermedad infecciosa provocada por un virus o bacteria. La pasada primavera fueron muchas las personas que durante la desescalada salieron a hacer deporte, aprovechando…Read More >
Modest lifestyle changes — increasing physical activity and losing about four to six pounds — cuts nearly in half the risk of someone progressing from prediabetes to full-blown Type 2 diabetes, according to a new study in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. Researchers found that, among 1,028 people considered at high risk for diabetes, those who made…Read More >
BRONZEVILLE — Chicago CARES is taking its Diabetes Prevention Program virtual. The year-long program offers resources and support for those struggling with Type 2 Diabetes or with a pre-diabetic diagnosis. With November being Diabetes Awareness Month, the nonprofit network aims to make the free program as accessible as possible by partnering with community health clinics…Read More >
With November being Diabetes Awareness Month, a Chicago public health initiative is bringing attention to free healthy lifestyle coaching classes to steer people away from developing Type 2 diabetes. Chicago CARES, a partnership between the Chicago Department of Public Health and the nonprofit Illinois Public Health Institute, is offering Diabetes Prevention Program classes through providers across the…Read More >
There is no shortage of guidance from medical professionals about the risks and management of diabetes. But there is another closely linked condition that is far more prevalent and requires fast action: prediabetes. About 1 in 3 Americans currently have prediabetes. More alarmingly, 84% don’t know they have it. In fact, a 2018 study found that metabolic…Read More >
Hacer ejercicio en casa es el nuevo must para mantenernos activos y HONOR te invita a ponerlo a prueba al alcance de tu muñeca. Si ya tienes un entrenamiento definido, es momento de que lo lleves a otro nivel para que veas resultados, y no sólo nos referimos a tu salud física sino también emocionalmente, ya que como sabes, ejercitarnos (de la…Read More >
As the Green Bay Packers and Pittsburgh Steelers took the field for the Super Bowl in 2011, Odette Crawford noticed the screen looked blurry. She had just had an eye exam and received a new prescription for her glasses so she was confused. “I asked my roommate, ‘What’s wrong with the TV?’ and she says,…Read More >
One in three American adults have prediabetes and most don’t know they have it — the holiday season is coming and so are big meals, sweets and more. It’s a time when many tend to overindulge. And as we’ve endured months of a pandemic that has changed our eating and drinking habits, it’s a good…Read More >